1. Monpura's Melody - Village Flute Index


       the start of a journey

               is a beautiful island

           is a celebration of joy

      is a history of new faces
   is the first notes of a flute melody.

It all began in the Ibrahim Store...

The Ibrahim Store
Experience the Bangladeshi national art of adda  or chatting in Monpura, because adda is at its humorous best on the islands in the Bay of Bengal. 

"The start of a journey is a beautiful island."

When there was Durga Puja to celebrate...

Four Days of Durga Puja
The largest Bengali Hindu festival, Durga Puja is about unbridled joy as Maa Durga visits to rid the world of evil. Celebrate with the added sincerity of Monpuran villagers.

"The start of a journey is a celebration of joy."

Behind the scenes in Monpura.

Village Flute Behind the Scenes: Monpura
The personal tale of a first trip to Monpura is worth the telling.

"The start of a journey is a history of new faces."

Monpura. The first notes of a flute melody.

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