Article Index: Notes from Mesoamerica

The Central American Trail

Costa Rica
Pura Vida; or, A Coati's Tale (Monteverde)
For a good life, take it from me, nothing will surpass a patch of pristine rainforest and a decent sized public rubbish bin.  Sure, a shiny car, ultra-modern, sleek and featuring the latest ergonomics might be enough to make all the other vehicles in the traffic blush.  Sure, a... More...

The Culture of Sound (Granada)
Almost exactly on the other side of the world, in Nicaragua, lies the small city of Granada. The oldest colonial city in the Americas, it’s the place I was fortunate enough to call home for five months in 2006. It’s not a place that looks loud: set around a leafy square in a fairly regular... More...

The Meaning of Seeing Things (Granada and more)
There are photos of me around Granada wearing glasses. The house guest who’d accompanied me to take them thought it odd I only needed them for photos; so I told her the story too. When we got the prints back she’d said, ‘you know, you really do look better in glasses.’... More...

The Last Dinner (Granada and China)
he used to stand in the front doorway calling ‘La sombre! La sombre!’, pointing to the shady side of the street in earnest, until you crossed over in compliance. ‘The shade! The Shade!’ The wife wove intricate culinary masterpieces with the help of a servant or two, beans and... More...

The Hat-Speak of Panama (Santa Fe, Veraguas)
Wake up call: the hat-of-Panamá descended long ago from the square-edged, flat-round topped sombreros of Cordoba in Spain, and sombrero is not a reference to anything Mexican-shaped but means not more than “hat”. The hat-of-Panamá is properly called... More...

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