Article Index: The Baltic Way

Articles in Amber: from the Baltic States

The Estonian Incident
It's fair to say I never left Estonia, at least not technically. According to whatever records there are I'm still there, continuously since 1997. It's not really a problem as such, except that when it comes right down to it, when it comes to the actual being there, I'm clearly not.  More...

The Latvian National Academy of Science
Be free. Align yourself with the rhythm of the world to go far. Be as the jajabor, the nomad. Arrive somewhere from the soul, due to the appealing curl of its name or because it feels right or because we know nothing. Go because the time has arrived, sense it.  More...

Potato and Toothpaste Travel
Amber is fossilised tree resin, a yellowish, pellucid gem washed ashore by the waves of the eastern Baltic Sea. Sometimes there are ancient insects within it, or parts of leaves to decorate it. Amber is a souvenir-laden... More...

Was there any Chance of Wolves?
At about the stage where my legs felt like they might refuse to make steps anymore something very exciting happened. I came to a road junction. Still there was no house, no car, only... More...
Turning from the East, Turning to the West
The middle-aged truck driver had a round enough figure and when he bent to check out the mechanics of the broken down truck so it happened he had a split in the back of his pants all the way down the seam; perhaps his village grandmother didn’t sew.  The other truck driver laughed at him and so did I.  As there were... More...

Welcome to Vilnius
Autumn: the tracks appeared to trace a stream below, or several but as the train meandered along hillsides direction was difficult to contemplate.  The morning was reluctant and the wooded valleys were almost drained of colour.  In the yellow of the... More...

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